Sunday, January 5, 2014

Some D&D Characters

            So I'm getting back into drawing in a big way.  Something huge happened in my drawing life, but these drawings are from before that happened.  They're just of my D&D characters that I play.  There's Kelyn Jasper, the cleric of Pelor (the sun god in the D&D pantheon); Jad Feyr, the shifter rogue (shifters have lycanthrorpe ancestry, so they're kind of half-animal); and Berthold the warforged wizard (warforged are a race of sentient magical robots - kind of like golems, but with souls).   I didn't put my dwarf fighter in here, because I don't have any recent drawings of him, but if you haven't had your fill of geekery, there's my G+ D&D album.



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