Sunday, January 5, 2014

As Below, So Above.

            Back in June of 2013 my friend Philip Cheung asked me to be in a drawing show that he was curating for This Red Door, an art collective based in Brooklyn.  They set up a partnership with REH Kunst, a space in Berlin for this event.  Tons of talented artists submitted, and I was honored to be among them.

            The idea for the show was "as below, so above," a reversal of the mantra of the early Hermetics - proto scientists in search of universal theories of matter, physics, and divinity.  I thought the idea of pixelization from the previous year fit in well with this theme, as it's a phenomenon that occurs on all scales from the subatomic to the cosmic.   As below, so above.  So I made a series of drawings that were pretty much the 2D version of the sculpture:

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