Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Galaxy Note 8 Gushing

            I was having a conversation with my good friend HamletMachine (of Starfighter fame - yeah, I'm totally bragging), and we were talking about "overworking" drawings, or starting with a fresh, dynamic gesture and losing that dynamism as you work in the details and adjust things like proportion and whatnot.  It's hard to find a way to keep your gesture's original looseness and character throughout the process.  It's like clay - the more you work it, the less life it has.

            One way I was able to deal with this is due to my lovely Galaxy Note 8.  Sketching in the Photoshop Touch app, I'm able to do a gesture and then leave it as an overlay on its own layer.  I can then work in details on other layers, always having my original gesture as reference if I feel like things are getting a little dead feeling.

            Here's some more D&D doodles to illustrate:

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